
Listening to America with Clay Jenkinson

Listening to America aims to “light out for the territories,” traveling less visited byways and taking time to see this immense, extraordinary country with fresh eyes while listening to the many voices of America’s past, present, and future. Led by noted historian and humanities scholar Clay Jenkinson, Listening to America travels the country’s less visited byways, from national parks and forests to historic sites to countless under-recognized rural and urban places. Through this exploration, Clay and team find and tell the overlooked historical and contemporary stories that shape America’s people and places.
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Listening to America with Clay Jenkinson










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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 28, 2021

We take a look back at the many conversations we had during this past year. We hear from President Jefferson on a number of subjects, including the events surrounding January 6th, President Jefferson's inauguration, Shays' Rebellion, and hear from Jefferson Hour contributors Lindsay Chervinsky, Pat Brodowski, Beau Wright, Brad Crisler and Joseph Ellis.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Dec 17, 2021

Lindsay Chervinsky joins Clay Jenkinson this week for the first of a series of programs titled "Ten Things." The conversations center on historical figures from the founding era, and ten things you may or may not know about them.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Dec 14, 2021

We present a special conversation between Clay Jenkinson and best-selling author, historian and Pulitzer Prize finalist H. W. Brands. They discuss Brand’s new book, Our First Civil War: Patriots and Loyalists in the American Revolution.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episodeOur First Civil War: Patriots and Loyalists in the American Revolution

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Dec 7, 2021

This show was recorded on November 22, 2021 with special guest, author Joseph Ellis. We speak about the significance of the date. Then, we answer listener questions about why the British didn’t finish off the Continental Army at the beginning of the American Revolution, and King George’s legacy through British eyes.

Rest in Peace, Phoebe.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode.

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Nov 30, 2021

In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, we are joined by three favorite friends of the Jefferson Hour this week: Beau Wright, Pat Brodowski and Brad Crisler.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: James Madison: America's First Politician by Jay Cost

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Nov 23, 2021

Jay Cost, author of the new book James Madison: America's First Politician, joins Clay Jenkinson this week to discuss the book and share insights on the politics of Madison and Jefferson's time.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: James Madison: America's First Politician by Jay Cost

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Nov 16, 2021

We speak with President Jefferson about how the Articles of Confederation led to the creation of our Constitution. Jefferson also answers questions from listeners about how money and credit worked during his time, and what the pursuit of happiness meant to him. Later in the show we hear from Lindsay Chervinsky and former ND Senator Heidi Heitkamp.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: New York Times: Constitutional Change Will Be Here Sooner Than We Think, Jim Fuglie’s Prairie Blog

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Nov 9, 2021

Professor Joseph Ellis joins us this week for further discussion about his new book, The Cause: The American Revolution and Its Discontents. For more than two centuries, historians have debated the history of the American Revolution, disputing its roots, its provenance, and above all, its meaning. The Cause is the product of Ellis' lifetime of writing about America’s founding era. The book enlightens and challenges the story of the founding of our nation.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: The Cause: The American Revolution and Its Discontents.

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Nov 2, 2021

We welcome back Dr. Lindsay M. Chervinsky to discuss her recent post "How Did the Senate End Up With Supermajority Gridlock?" She and Clay talk about the filibuster and congressional gridlock which they both feel is the product of decades of legislative machinations and not what the Constitution, nor the framers, intended.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: "How Did the Senate End Up With Supermajority Gridlock?" 

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Oct 26, 2021

President Jefferson answers questions submitted by listeners on a wide range of topics including Monticello, West Point and the military, the three fifths clause, separation of church and state, and James Monroe.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode. 

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Oct 19, 2021

The creator of The Thomas Jefferson Hour, Clay Jenkinson, is joined this week by his good friend Russ Eagle. Russ shares the true story of Clay’s recent climb of Mount Whitney and also discusses the works of John Steinbeck. Both Clay and Russ comment on what Thomas Jefferson might have thought of Steinbeck’s work.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Oct 12, 2021

We spend this week answering listener questions, including one asking us to discuss Jack Jouett. On June 3, 1781, Jouett made a 40-mile "midnight ride" on horseback to Charlottesville, Virginia and gave advance warning to Thomas Jefferson and Virginia legislators that the British were coming. Jouett’s extraordinary ride that night enabled them to escape to safety.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis by Timothy Egan

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Oct 5, 2021

Clay Jenkinson and David Nicandri discuss Thomas Jefferson’s fascination with the mammoth, and his hope that Lewis and Clark would find living specimens. As it turns out, Nicandri and Jenkinson have an equal fascination. Also discussed is the changing influence written history has on us.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: NPR: "Scientists Say They Could Bring Back Woolly Mammoths. But Maybe They Shouldn't," How to Clone a Mammoth by Beth Shapiro, The Ministry for the Future by Kim Stanley Robinson

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Sep 28, 2021

This week, an in-depth and revealing conversation with Joseph Ellis about his new book, The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents, 1773-1783.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Joseph J. Ellis: The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents, 1773-1783 

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Sep 21, 2021

We speak with President Jefferson about his "Circular to the Heads of Departments," a memo he wrote dated November 6, 1801 which provides insight into Jefferson's governing style. He refers to his cabinet as one of the most harmonious in history, and he closes his letter by writing, "If I had the Universe to choose from, I could not change one of my associates to my better satisfaction."

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: “Circular to the Heads of Departments”, Jeffersonians in Power: The Rhetoric of Opposition Meets the Realities of Governing

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Sep 14, 2021

The noted author and historian Dr. Lindsay Chervinsky joins Clay Jenkinson this week for a discussion about the Enlightenment. Together they try to answer the question whether or not it is a self correcting mechanism that will lead us into greater human rights and progress, or is it now in jeopardy in the midst of the explosion of human knowledge.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Lindsay Chervinsky: Why “The Framers Never Intended” is Garbage,

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Sep 7, 2021

When reading Thomas Jefferson’s correspondence, one often sees examples of his belief that the less government, the better. In this week's episode, President Thomas Jefferson discusses the writing of the Constitution and comments on The Journal of the Federal Convention by James Madison. Jefferson wrote, "it may be proved that no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation."

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Lindsay Chervinsky: Why “The Framers Never Intended” is Garbage, 1787: The Grand Convention by Clinton Rossiter, Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787 by Christopher Collier, Miracle at Philadelphia: The Story of the Constitutional Convention, May to September 1787 by Catherine Drinker Bowen, Wikipedia: Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Aug 31, 2021

Clay Jenkinson is once again joined by the author and historian Joseph Ellis for a program of answering listener questions, including one on Jefferson’s fascination with the wooly mammoth. The primary discussion centers on voting rights during Jefferson’s time and ours.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents, 1773-1783 by Joseph J. Ellis, Repairing Jefferson's America by Clay S Jenkinson, Fears of a Setting Sun: The Disillusionment of America's Founders by Dennis C. Rasmussen

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Aug 24, 2021

Clay answers listener questions and discusses the photographer Edward Curtis, and David shares a bit of a poem sent to us by Jack Preston, a 94-year-old gardener.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: The North American Indian by Edward S. Curtis, Short Nights of the Shadow Catcher: The Epic Life and Immortal Photographs of Edward Curtis by Timothy Egan, A live performance with WGN Radio's John Williams (more details to come), Repairing Jefferson's America, 2021 TR Symposium, Karl Bodmer, Scattered Corn

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Aug 17, 2021

Jefferson answers listener questions about his classification systems, and Monticello's gardens and water supply. Jefferson offers advice to a young woman who is trying to be a "good student of liberty." He tells her that "liberty is written in your heart."

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Virgil Online Course and Lewis and Clark Tours, books by Thomas Paine, including Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Age of Reason, and The Rights of Man, The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison, Jefferson and His Time by Dumas Malone, Second Treatise of Government by John Locke, The Aeneid (Robert Fagles Translation) by Virgil, The Odes of Horace, Histories by Tacitus, History of Rome by Livy, History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, Histories by Herodotus, The Iliad by Homer, The Odyssey by Homer, Voltaire, Bolingbroke, David Hume,

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Aug 10, 2021

Thomas Paine wrote a bestselling pamphlet, became derided by Americans for his alleged atheism, and was almost killed during the French Revolution. Lindsay Chervinsky joins us to discuss Paine's fascinating life.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Thomas Paine and the Promise of America by Harvey Kaye; books by Thomas Paine, including Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Age of Reason, and The Rights of Man; David's audio book of Common Sense; The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison; and

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Aug 3, 2021

This week, we're replaying a conversation from January 2018 about the peaceful transition of power in our American system of government. In this episode, Jefferson says that it's important to acknowledge that government power originates with the people, and not from any individual or party.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Jul 27, 2021

We welcome back the noted author and historian Joseph Ellis this week to join with Clay Jenkinson and respond to the many questions we received from listeners generated by our annual Independence Day show.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Joseph Ellis: The Cause: The American Revolution and its Discontents, 1773-1783; Joseph Ellis: After the Revolution: Profiles of Early American Culture

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Jul 20, 2021

Clay Jenkinson recently lead a conference for the Smithsonian that introduced attendees to the Lewis and Clark expedition. The lecture was brimming with questions, so many that there was not enough time to answer all of them. This week, we try to finish that task and answer those extra questions about Lewis and Clark.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Undaunted Courage by Stephen E. Ambrose, The Lewis and Clark Expedition Day by Day by Gary Moulton, A Vast and Open Plain: The Writings of the Lewis and Clark Expedition in North Dakota, 1804-1806 edited by Clay Jenkinson, The Character of Meriwether Lewis: Explorer in the Wilderness by Clay Jenkinson

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

Jul 13, 2021

We welcome back the scholar and author Lindsay Chervinsky to discuss her recent piece about Presidents and their technology. The conversation covers the use of social media now and then, and she and Clay Jenkinson rate which one the early founding fathers might have been good follows on Twitter.

You can order Clay's new book at AmazonTargetBarnes and Noble, or by contacting your independent bookstore. The Language of Cottonwoods is out now through Koehler Books.

Mentioned on this episode: Dust Bowl Diary by Ann Marie Low, My Antonia by Willa Cather, The Bones of Plenty by Lois Phillips Hudson, Giants in the Earth by O. E. Rølvaag

Find this episode, along with recommended reading, on the blog. Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our new merch. You can find Clay's publications on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics. Thomas Jefferson is interpreted by Clay S. Jenkinson.

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