The Jefferson Hour's Enlightenment correspondent David Nicandri, author of three books and formerly the director of the Washington State Historical Society, discusses the current state of the Enlightenment with host Clay Jenkinson. The Enlightenment (1680-1826) with its faith in progress, science, reason, and the modest perfectibility of humanity, has been under assault by the academic elites for many years. Jenkinson and Nicandri begin by defining the principles of the Enlightenment and then assessing its current state in a time of worldwide disillusionment. Topics include the trail, imprisonment, and release of Brittney Griner, the January 6 Committee's report, and the innovations and discoveries of science and technology in 2022.
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You can find Clay's books on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics.
Thomas Jefferson is interpreted and portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson.
David Nicandri and Clay Jenkinson discuss the return journey of Lewis and Clark in 1806. Nicandri is the author of the acclaimed book, River of Promise: Lewis and Clark on the Columbia. Both scholars of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Clay and David explore the challenges of getting the Corps of Discovery back from the Pacific coast to St. Louis. The men were not in great physical or mental condition in March 1806. The expedition had distributed all of its "Indian gifts" on the outbound journey. The expedition was thus essentially bankrupt with almost 4,000 miles to trek across the American West. Nicandri believes Captain Meriwether Lewis was having a slow motion nervous breakdown on the return journey.
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You can find Clay's books on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics.
Thomas Jefferson is interpreted and portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson.
This week on the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Clay Jenkinson visits with Pat Brodowski, formerly the head gardener at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello. Pat explains how she found her way to Monticello, what she learned about Thomas Jefferson from working every day in his extensive garden, and how she is occupying her time now as a retiree. Plus, Pat gives tips to our listeners about how to grow something in the next year.
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You can find Clay's books on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics.
Thomas Jefferson is interpreted and portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson.
This week on the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Clay Jenkinson and Lindsay Chervinsky continue their discussion prompted by a letter from a teacher in Iowa who asks what they think are the ten most important American historical events she should teach to her students.
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You can find Clay's books on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics.
Thomas Jefferson is interpreted and portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson.
This week on the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Clay Jenkinson and Lindsay Chervinsky respond to a letter from a teacher in Iowa who asks what they think are the ten most important American historical events she should teach to her students.
Subscribe to the Thomas Jefferson Hour on YouTube.
Support the show by joining the 1776 Club or by donating to the Thomas Jefferson Hour, Inc. You can learn more about Clay's cultural tours and retreats at Check out our merch.
You can find Clay's books on our website, along with a list of his favorite books on Jefferson, Lewis and Clark, and other topics.
Thomas Jefferson is interpreted and portrayed by Clay S. Jenkinson.